Hello, again!

Growing up, I was always scared of the term, the “real world,” but this position has shown me that it is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, now I feel much more confident and professional. This internship has given me incredible insight to what accountants do and how an office operates.

On my first day, some colleagues took me out for a welcome lunch. I asked John Quigg, “do you have any advice for me as I start this job?” He said, “Ask a lot of questions, and try to learn as much as you can.” This was a great piece of advice, and I’ve done just that.

I just recently completed my first tax return. Having only one tax class ever, it was not the easiest task. However, after Ryan May reviewed it with me, it all made sense. After working here for three months, I can definitely say I have learned more than I have in school. School may help you become familiar with the terms, but on the job is where you can really apply that knowledge.

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